Graduate Courses
16:470:501 The Teaching of College German (3)
Introduction to the nature of language acquisition; critical examination of instructional materials; principles of cultural analysis; and theory and practice of teaching literature. Patterned to the practice of college instruction.
16:470:502 Teaching Apprenticeship in German (N1.5)
Weekly workshops for teaching, testing, and evaluation techniques in elementary and intermediate language courses. Observation of language classes.
16:470:510 Literary Theory and Methodology (3)
Study and practice of scholarly techniques, the use of secondary literature for research, the writing of papers, and an overview of literary theories.
Behrmann, Helfer, Karl, Levine Rennie.
Recommended during the first year.
16:470:513 Analysis of Literary Texts (3)
Study of selected works of poetry, drama, and prose with a view to increasing a teacher's faculties of literary interpretation and aesthetic judgment.
16:470:516 Introduction to Middle-High German (3)
Phonology and grammar. Reading of representative texts from the Middle-High German period AD 1050 to AD 1350, with special emphasis on the popular epic, court epic, and Minnesänger.
16:470:520 Literature of the Middle Ages (3)
Analysis of the folk epic (Nibelungenlied) and its sources; the courtly romances by Hartmann von Aue, Wolfram von Eschenbach, and Gottfried von Strassburg; the saint's legend and poems by prominent Minnesänger.
16:470:521 Literature of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Baroque (3)
Sociohistorical overview of German literature of the 16th and 17th centuries.
16:470:522 From Rococo to Classicism (3)
Literature of the 18th century with emphasis on Anakreontik, Sturm und Drang, and theWeimarer Klassik, focusing mainly on contemporaries of Goethe and Schiller.
16:470:523 German Romanticism (3)
Aims and characteristics of the romantic movement as reflected in the works of Hölderlin,
Novalis, Kleist, Brentano, Eichendorff, and Hoffmann.
16:470:524 Nineteenth-Century Realism (3)
Studies in the theory, themes, and styles of German literary realism in the 19th century, focusing on the works by Büchner,
Hebbel, Stifter, Keller, Meyer, Storm, and Fontane.
Behrmann, Helfer
16:470:525 Literature of the 20th Century before 1945 (3)
Study of significant literary works and trends against the background of late Wilhelminian Germany, the Weimar Republic, and the Nazi era.
Behrmann, Karl
16:470:526 Literature of the 20th Century after 1945 (3)
Study of German writers after World War II, including Bernhard, Borchert, Böll, Dürrenmatt, Frisch, Grass, Handke, Hochhuth, Johnson, Lenz, Strauss, Walser, and Weiss.
Behrmann, Karl
16:470:550 (S) Kafka (3)
Kafka's parables, short stories, novels, diaries, and correspondence, with a particular focus on questions of translation, intertextuality, gesture, and the relationship between writing and the body.
16:470:555 (F) Benjamin, Scholem, Arendt (3)
Examines three towering figures of 20th-century thought: Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), and Hannah Arendt (1906-1975).
16:470:601,602 Independent Study in Germanic Languages and Literatures (3,3)
Independent study or directed research. Intended for exploring areas not covered in depth by regularly scheduled courses.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and approval of graduate director.
16:470:610 Old Norse Literature (3)
Principal genres of saga literature; Eddic and Scaldic poetry.
16:470:611 Courtly Poetry and Medieval Drama (3)
Major lyrics of the Minnesang and its later developments. The Latin and romance origins of German lyric poetry. Selected dramas from the 13th to the late 15th centuries.
16:470:622 The German Enlightenment (3)
The concept and question of German Enlightenment, especially as it relates to modernity. Readings by Leibniz, Kant, Mendelssohn, Gottsched, Bodmer, Lessing, Klopstock, Wieland, and Gellert.
Rennie, Helfer
16:470:625 Goethe (3)
Study of Goethe's poetry, drama, and prose, focusing on three major areas: works of the Storm and Stress, works of Goethe's classical period, and the "Alterswerk," including Faust.
Rennie, Helfer
16:470:626 Faust in German Literature (3)
The Faust tradition from biblical days to contemporary German literature. Emphasis on theVolksbuch, the Faust theme in the Storm and Stress period, Goethe's Faust, and Faust's works of the 20th century.
16:470:627 Schiller (3)
Schiller's development as an author through detailed study of his prose, poetry, and plays, including Die Räuber, Kabale und Liebe, Don Carlos, and Wallenstein.
16:470:632 Heine and His Contemporaries (3)
Development of German literature of the 19th century in the context of social and political change brought about by the end of feudalism and the rise of industrialism in the period 1813 to 1849.
16:470:642 The Expressionist Movement (3)
German expressionism from its early prewar phase to the mid-1920s, with emphasis on its philosophical foundations, sociopolitical aims, and poetic styles. The poets Benn, Heym, Stadler, Stramm, and Werfel; the dramatists Goering, Hasenclever, Kaiser, Sorge, Sternheim, and Toller.
16:470:645 Contemporary Germany (3)
Study of modern Germany with consideration of pertinent cultural, historical, political, geographical, and sociological factors and their impact on contemporary literary life.
Karl, Levine
16:470:646 Postwar German Film (3)
Study of feature films in German after 1945; issues of guilt, remembrance (and its counterpart--amnesia), gender, Heimat or "homeland," national self-fashioning, and trauma. How is the category of nation constructed and how is it contested within the narratives themselves? Close attention to aesthetic issues and the concept of authorship.
16:470:650 Lyrical Poetry from the Middle Ages to the Present (3)
Study of significant poets, with special emphasis on the development of literary movements and the intellectual background of the times.
Behrmann, Levine
16:470:651 German Drama from the Baroque to the Present (3)
Readings of selected plays with background studies in the theory and historical development of the drama.
Karl, Levine, Rennie
16:470:652 Short Forms of German Prose (3)
Short prose forms such as the Anekdote, Skizze, Novelle, Erzählung, and Kurzgeschichte. Historical, theoretical, and analytical approaches to representative works.
Behrmann, Karl
16:470:653 The German Novelle (3)
Development of the Novelle as a specific German narrative form and as an expression of social, philosophical, and metaphysical viewpoints.
Behrmann, Helfer
16:470:654 The German Novel (3)
Development of the novel as a literary genre in German literature. Emphasis on European influences, the novel and the court, the rise of the bourgeoisie, women and writing, and theory of novel.
Behrmann, Rennie
16:470:660 Austrian Narrative of the 19th and 20th Centuries (3)
Comparative study of representative works that use various narrative techniques. Special emphasis on the end of the Dual Monarchy, the emergence of Austrofascism and National Socialism, and the period after 1945.
16:470:661 Folklore in German Literature (3)
Archetypal patterns, motifs, figures in folklore, Sage, folksong, hagiography, and sources in pagan and biblical tradition as a basis for study of adaptations and interpretations in literary works of various genres and periods to the present.
16:470:662 German Feminist Writers (3)
The rise of literary feminism and an analysis of writings by authors such as Bachmann, Mayröcker, Jelinek, and Wolf.
Behrmann, Helfer, Karl
16:470:663 Literature and Ideology (3)
Study in the history of ideas, dealing specifically with the conflict of ideologies in varying periods of German culture as expressed in the works of such authors as Gottfried von Strassburg, Luther, Gryphius, Goethe, Büchner, Nietzsche, Wagner, and Brecht.
Behrmann, Levine, Rennie
16:470:670,671,672,673 Topics in German Literature I,II,III,IV (3,3,3,3)
Special topics devoted to the investigation of a single author, text, critical or philosophical problem, theme or motif, historical period, film, or development.
16:470:701,702 Research in German (BA,BA)