M.A. Program Description

The Masters Program is oriented toward students who would like to do an advanced degree in German without committing to the doctoral program. While students are integrated into courses with Ph.D. students, they are required to do different exams and research geared toward their later job expectations. As such, many Masters students complete a written thesis on an area of interest. 

Degree Requirements

  • A minimum of 30 credits in course work, six of which may be devoted to a research problem if the candidate elects to write a thesis. Not more than three credits may be earned in Independent Study courses (16:470:601 or 602).
  • A G.P.A. of 3.4 in course work.
  • Successful completion of the written M.A. examination.
  • At the department's discretion, students may be required to take extra language courses in order to attain the necessary level of fluency.



The Masters in the Art of Teaching (M.A.T.) in German is designed for those already teaching German or working toward certification. Undergraduates majoring in German (or Education) and intending to teach German may wish to augment the BA with this degree. A candidate is admitted on the basis of prior academic or professional performance. The GRE is not required for admission. The course requirements of this program may be satisfied by coursework taken during the regular academic year, during the summer session, and abroad. Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in a certified graduate Study Abroad program (i.e., one approved by the Graduate Director) during the course of study; theses course credits will be applied to the total of thirty required credits. Students wishing to take courses toward the M.A.T. degree during the regular academic year may do so with the advice and permission of the Graduate Director. Please note that the M.A.T. degree does not lead directly to teacher certification. However, credits earned toward the M.A.T. may apply toward certification requirements.

Admission Criteria

The M.A.T. is intended to provide not only advanced language-specific training, but also broad intellectual resources to those involved in the teaching of German culture. Accordingly, some coursework will expressly not include segments on pedagogical applications. Students are welcome to enroll in up to three German Studies courses outside the department's normal offerings. Eligible courses, which must be pre-approved by the Graduate Director, include, for example, 19th and 20th Century German History, History of German Art, Politics of Modern Germany, etc. Courses with a "substantial German cultural content," as determined by the Graduate Director, and based on a review of the respective course syllabus, will be considered under this rubric.

Degree Requirements

The needs and background of the student will frame the individualized plan of study for the M.A.T. A candidate is expected to complete a total of thirty credits - twenty-seven credits of regular course work and the three remaining credits dedicated to the development of an individual teaching portfolio based upon course work. No written comprehension examination will be required. Instead, the teaching portfolio will be used to assess the student's comprehensive grasp of the program's goals. With the approval of the Graduate Program Director, students may opt to complete an additional 3-credit graduate course in lieu of the teaching portfolio. The School of Graduate Studies' writing requirement will be met by means of at least one substantial term paper, a copy of which must be provided to, and approved by, the Graduate Director. At the department's discretion, students may be required to take extra language courses in order to attain the necessary level of fluency.

Teaching Portfolio

Each student will prepare and present a teaching portfolio, a three-credit individual project, in the academic year following the completion of the twenty-seven credits of course work. This teaching portfolio, which will reflect the student's course work, will be a compendium of documents, lesson plans, and teaching materials pertinent to the work situation (teaching level, class focus, particular school system, etc.) of each candidate.

The Graduate Director, in consultation with the student, will form an advisory committee to mentor the student and foster the completion of the teaching portfolio. Each committee will consist of at least three members or associate members of the department's graduate faculty, or of at least two from within the department and one non-program member, according to the standards of the School of Graduate Studies. The student will make a formal presentation of the work submitted for this degree requirement only after the advisory committee has approved the teaching portfolio.

Course Distribution

  • 6 credits in methodology or praxis of teaching (minimum of 3 credits within the department; 3 credits may be taken through the Rutgers World Language Institute).
  • 6 credits in culture/civilization, including German film.
  • 6 credits in German literature/teaching of German literature.
  • 6 credits in German Studies (extra-departmental).
  • 3 credits in an elective (departmental).
  • 3 credits in Teaching Portfolio.
  • In some cases, an Independent Study may be possible.